Business Consultancy Clarity Call - RETURN

Get the business and legal help you need all in one telephone call.

Do want to talk to a business expert about your business?
Want to get advice and bounce ideas off someone who’s been there and done it? Someone who can offer you practical and invaluable advice based on their own experience? Someone who has successfully helped other businesses?  

A Clarity Call will help you
- Thinking of starting a business?
- Want to grow your business? T
- Thinking about making a change in your business?
- Is there something bothering you about your business?

Why do I need this?  
Get clarity on how to start, grow or change your business.
Talk to someone who understands your position and can offer practical business and legal advice based on experience
Affordable and fixed costs

Tell me more:  
You are in control – arrange the call to suit yourself
Talk to an expert about your business
Calls usually last about an hour Don’t put it off  any longer!

£299 + VAT 

Business Consultancy Clarity Call – solution for your business or legal problem
When you need to have a chat with someone about your business, this business consultancy Clarity Call is for you.

We know that running a business can be lonely. It’s especially difficult when you’ve got something on your mind. An unexpected business opportunity or hurdle? Perhaps something has gone wrong and you need to find a way forward? Has there been a change in the law which impacts on you and your business?  Whatever’s on your mind – it helps to talk it over with an expert who understands because they’ve been there!
Designed for small business owners
We designed this service for the small business owner to get you over anything that’s on your mind. You’ll speak to someone with who understands how to run a small business and has many years’ experience in running service businesses. Someone who has helped many businesses to improve and thrive. Someone who also understands the law and how it works. Use this service to talk about
- starting
- growing
- scaling
- making changes in your business
- a problem about your business you are losing sleep over
- getting your business online
- creating and selling products from your knowledge.

How will a Business Consultancy Clarity Call help you?
Get peace of mind. Running a business is rewarding but it can also be stressful. Did you know that nearly all small business owners (96%) admit to keeping the stress of running a business ‘bottled up’?

Something small can grow into an issue because you can’t or don’t deal with it. Talking to someone who understands and can help you work through the issue will help. We’re great at breaking down and examining issues before helping you explore your options and solutions.

We can help.

How the Business Consultancy Clarity Call Works
- You tell us what you’d like to talk about when you schedule the call. We book you in to speak to the best expert for your questions and review documents we ask to see in advance
- This is a fixed price consultation call which lasts as long as needed to cover your questions Order and you can schedule the call.
- Appointments are available during Monday to Friday 9-6 excluding public holidays

 What Happens?

(1) Schedule your Business Consultancy Clarity call You are in control. Once you’ve ordered you can download full instructions about how to book your call. This includes the link to access our online diary.
(2) Tell us what you want to talk about When you schedule your call you tell us what you’d like to talk about. You do this by completing the all the information on the form which is part of the scheduling process. If we don’t get all the information we’ll have to email you to reschedule your call. If you need any support, please email
(3) Your Call Once you have successfully scheduled your Business Consultancy Clarity Call you’ll get an automatic email confirmation. Most calls are through Zoom. You’ll get full instructions in the email.
(4) Need to rearrange your call? We understand that sometimes you need to rearrange your call. Do this by logging back into the scheduler – use the same link that you used to make the appointment. You can reschedule once at least 48 hours before the time of your call. .

What's included? 

Talk to an expert who will support you whilst you ask any questions. 

Schedule a convenient appointment 

Fixed Price


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