
Trademark Application – Use this affordable and easy to use service to register a UK Trademark – essential to protect your business or product name

Trademarks are important to every business. They protect your business or a product name, your logo and even sounds and jingles associated with it. It means nobody else can use it. Your clients and customers recognise your business and what you do from your name and logo – your trademark.

Easy and Affordable
This is an easy and affordable fixed price process for you to register one UK trademark. You can register that mark in as many classes as you need to (some businesses charge you more for each class you want to use!). You use an affordable and easy step-by-step process. There is NO limit to the number of classes you can register in. Your application is made by qualified and experienced lawyers. You can enjoy the benefit of our 100% success rate in registering every trademark we have applied for. You pay the IPO registration fees directly to the IPO - the amount depends on how many classes you want to register your trademark in. 

Our service means that:

    • You use an affordable and easy step-by-step process.
    • There is NO limit to the number of classes you can register in.
    • Your application is made by qualified and experienced lawyers.
    • You can enjoy the benefit of our 100% success rate in registering every trademark we have applied for.
    • You pay the IPO registration fees directly to the IPO.

Think about some of the large businesses and their names and logos:   
- Starbucks
- McDonald’s 
- Cadburys 
-Any major supermarket  

What do they have in common? They have all registered their trademarks because this protects their business. Nobody else can use their name. This is because the law says that it would confuse people who wanted to buy. For example, if you opened a coffee shop called Starbucks, most people would assume that it was a branch of the famous coffee chain.       

Find out more about trademarks here     

Do I have any rights without registration?  
You get some rights (called common law rights) if you have been using a logo or name, but it gets messy (expensive) if it is not registered. Imagine two businesses arguing about who used a name first. It gets costly and takes up a lot of time. It is much better to have a trademark that is registered. Nobody else can register it. The register shows that you own it. It also shows the date you registered it. No argument.       

Do I need one?  
Trademarks are not just reserved for large businesses – they are important to small businesses too. Firstly, every business wants their existing and potential buyers to be able to recognise who they are and what they do. Secondly, every business needs to be sure that nobody else is going to use the same logo and/or name as them. Two businesses with the same name and logo? It would confuse buyers. Your business would lose sales.   

 Is it expensive? 
We’ve developed an affordable step-by-step process to make it easy for any business to apply for a trademark. You give us the information we need to help you register your application. We complete the forms for one fixed price.    You then pay the registration fees to the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). Right Start Fees are currently £200 to include one class and £50 for each additional class. So, for example, if you want to register in 3 classes, the fees you pay to the IPO are £300.  You get a quality service at an affordable price. All without lengthy discussions which waste your time.  
Job done.    

Trademarks are the only way to protect your business name and/or logo. It’s easy to get it wrong. For example, firstly you need to make sure that you can register your mark. Then you need to make sure that you register it in the right groups (called classes). Otherwise you would have a worthless trademark. You will have wasted the registration fees. You don’t get your money back if you make a mistake.   

 A trademark can also be very valuable. They can be sold separately if, for example, you decide to close your business.    

Our initial step-by-step process is simple:   

STEP 1 – Making a Start – Initial Consideration and Full Search 
(1) Once you have paid online you can access the information that we need to get started. We use this to understand 
- Your aims 
- What you want to achieve     

(2) We will then carry out a full search. This isn’t only an electronic search of the register that many trademark services offer. One of our experience and qualified advisors completes this search manually. For example, we look at  who is using the mark and the impact of that on your business 

(3) We then give you your Trademark Search report.      

STEP 2 – Pre-Application 
We  use your report to discuss agree the final details for your application. Our report covers things like: Who will own it? What classes of trademark you need to register in. Remember that we don’t charge you extra for each class you want to register in. The price that you pay to us covers as many classes as you need. Suggestions to secure your registration. Exactly what IPO registration fees you need to the IPO.      

STEP 3 – Making your application   
We prepare the application. You check it and pay the registration fees to the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). We will then wait for the IPO Examination Report before we can complete the final forms.      

Once you’ve placed your order we will contact you to start the ball rolling.  We usually do this within 3 working days using the email address you provide as you finalise your order. 

The Trademark Application

The LH Group

Course Pricing

Fixed Fee


  • Fixed Fee

    • Easy and affordable process - 100% success rate
    • Completed by qualified Lawyers who understand business
    • + VAT
    • IPO fees can be paid in 2 instalments
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