An essential mix of practical know-how, legal documents help and support. Meet the new changes and grow and protect your Tutor Agency.

Join the Tutor Agencies Training Hub

One time payment

    • Monthly Q&A sessions inc Training
    • Essential legal documents
    • Support and advice for 12 months
    • One to One Consulting Sessions (2)
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4 Month Payment Plan

4 payments of


per month

  • Buy the Tutor Agencies Training Hub in 4 payments

    • Pay over 4 months
    • Legal Documents
    • Support and Advice for 12 months
    • Monthly Q&A sessions inc Training
    • 2 one to one consulting sessions (delivered in months 3 and 4)
Buy Now

Tutor Agencies Training Hub -
Essential legal and business documents, guides and support


This Hub is unique. We take you through both the legal requirements and give you practical business advice and supporting documents so that you can put it all into practice.  So with minimum fuss and disruption your business navigates and implements all the new challenges using on central hub.  By using the hub you will get  
- Practical training and vital information about the changes Tutor Agencies face
- Practical business advice and support from experienced advisors - offered 1-2-1 (max 2 sessions)
- Help to make important decisions about your business
- Easy to use legal and business documents to help you run your business efficiently and profitably

Why now?  
Tutor Agencies faces widescale changes following a recent legal case and guidance from the Employment Agency Standards (EAS). The EAS take enforcement action so this is not something you can put off.  Tutor Agencies need to start by reviewing they way they run their business. This includes deciding whether you will run your Tutor Agency as an Employment Business or an Employment Agency.    

Whichever model you choose, you will need to comply with the relevant law. This means  
- understanding the various rules and regulations
- complying with them in your business
-  being able to prove what you do. Prove that you comply. There is no single government manual which explains how to do this.  

Why you?  
We understand that making decisions like this is a difficult job for any business. We also know that managing changes in your business is hard. This is something which we’ve faced in our own businesses. It’s also something which we’ve helped many business successfully achieve. Our experience with tutor agencies and tutors over many years coupled with HMRC categorisation defending helps you get the help and support you need to navigate all the changes.  

Our Tutor Agencies Hub brings everything you need all together in one place. It makes it easier to adapt and change and saves you time and money.  

Job done!

We’ve put together a Tutor Agencies Hub to make life easier for you. You told us you have lots of questions and need help and guidance as you implement all the changes needed. The hub includes:  
- Practical advice and support from qualified lawyers ( 2 sessions 1-2-1) and accountants with experience of the regulations and a proven track record of helping clients manage change at this level. We refer to legislation, regulations and guidance from the Employment Agency Standards.
- Questions and Answers Sessions. You can ask about all that you face and get practical easy to implement advice for your business.
- Essential legal documents to help you run your business. Documents include our ‘How To’ explainer videos.
- Updates for 12 months.  It’s important to be aware and understand what changes. It’s also vital to access the help to make any changes you need to. Support – 12 months membership to a dedicated group. Ask all your ongoing questions that are important to you and get the answers you need from the people who provide the training and write the documents. Your questions will be answered within 2 working days of appearing in the forum.      

 1  Tutor Agencies Training Sessions  
These will take place throughout the 12 months with a monthly Q and A/training session on topics you need. The ongoing training will be identified and developed with our hub members  so it provides an exact match to your needs. These sessions will provide all the essential legal and practical information you require. They are focused on your implementation via our easy to follow steps and processes. They are written by qualified lawyers with input from accountants We don’t just tell you what the law says. We explain how this works in practice. We will be covering:

(1) Session 1: Running a Tutor Agency as an Employment Business or an Employment Agency – introduction and overview 
The law and guidance around running a Tutor Agency can be confusing. In this session we give you the core information and practical day-to-day business advice about the different business models which comply with the law. We look at :

The two business models, an Employment Business and an Employment Agency.
- What is an Employment Business and how does it work?
- What is an Employment Agency and how does this model work?
- How a Tutor Agency makes the right choice of model for their business
- What do the 2 models (an Employment Business and an Employment Agency) have in common and How are they different?

How the two business models work in practice
- Includes all the practical day-to-day business issues that you need to understand and consider, including -
         - Payments from clients/parents to tutors
          - VAT
- Employment status including
       - Employee Workers
       - Freelancers
- Employment law rights including:
       -  Pay Pensions Holidays and sickness
       - Family leave (maternity, paternity etc)
       - Agency Workers and the rights they can acquire .  

(2) Are you an Employment Agency or an Employment Business?  
As a Tutor Agency you need to decide which business model will work best for you and how you want to work.
- What is my business model? We will help you decide what business model (Employment Business or Employment Agency or both for different services) would work best for your business. We provide a framework to help you make your decision.
- Risk Zones. These are things that you need to careful about, including: Payments Employment Status Tax status and HMRC Employment law Status  
- Mitigating the Risk Zones – we look at how to minimise those risks.What are the implications for my business of each model?

(3) Practical Steps to comply with law
If you are running a Tutor Agency, there are prescribed things that you must do to comply with your legal obligations. This applies whether you choose to run an Employment Business or an Employment Agency. It’s not just about knowing and understanding the law. You have to put all the various legislation and guidance that applies to your business into practice. We apply law and give you practical advice and documents (such as checklists and policies) which you can use as you implement and run your new business model.  We examine what you need to do and how you can achieve this in the most effective (time and money) way.   You start with these two key documents.  A New Tutor Checklist so nothing is missed in your choice of model. Our Working Together Policy – a core policy to prove what you do and the process you have used to make your decisions Please see the Legal Documents section following for the whole library of documents you will be able to access.  

(4) Taking on Employees  
Some Tutor Agencies may need/want to take on their own employees. We give you both practical information and legal documents: What the law expects Employee rights and how they impact on your business
Practical steps you must take, including HMRC obligations
Essential template legal documents including Employment contracts  and an Employee Handbook  

2  Questions and Answers Session 
Use these sessions to ask all the questions which are important to you. The answers are detailed and provided by those who advise and write the documents. The Q and A sessions are important as they allow concerns to be voiced anonymously and get answers to help the community so all benefit.    

Designed specifically for the new challenge for Tutor Agencies – legal documents, written by expert lawyers. They include the essential documents which every Tutor Agency needs to help you comply with the law :-  
- A New Tutor Checklist. Use this to make sure you’re covering your legal obligations as a Tutor Agency. This includes thinking about the off-payroll working or IR35 rules.
- Our Working Together Policy. This to explains how you comply with your legal obligations as an Employment Business or Employment Agency.
- A Project or KID (Key Information Document) documents. Use these documents to make sure that you provide every tutor with the correct information. We give you a full explanation about which document to use and how to use it.
- Privacy Policy – remember your existing policy will be unlikely to cover the changes you are making in your business and the enhanced record keeping required of you
- Employment contracts plus Employee Handbook. This includes employment contracts which you can use for full time, part time and zero hours.
- Freelance Tutor Contracts – the contract you need to use with a self-employed tutor or those tutors running their own limited company
- Business Terms and Conditions for both business models

Extra documents – For the following 12 months we will add and provide updates to the above plus additional legal documents as there are updates and changes.

Our documents include our ‘How To’ explainer videos. These videos take you step-by-step through an individual document. They help you :-
- understand what each document is about and why it is important for your business
- easily adapt and edit the documents so you can use them in your own business
- feel confident using the documents You will be sure that the suite of documents meets the needs of your Tutor Agency.    

These changes are new and require a lot of focus to implement as you are busy with all the other jobs needed in running a business. The hub is designed around easy to use support. We know that you will need  extra help and someone to ask as you work through the changes.

This Training Hub includes :-  
- a 12 months updating service. If there are material changes in the law we will provide training sessions for each change. We will update the Hub so you have no worries about all the forthcoming changes. The 12 months starts from the date the Hub is live or date of your order if after the live date.
- support via a group forum. This will enable you to ask questions and get extra support quickly as and when you need it.  

This Tutor Agencies Training Hub saves you time, money, effort and stress. You get help to understand the changes and to examine how they impact on your business and to make clear informed choices. You get unlimited practical help and support via the forum to comply with those new changes .

We’ve worked with Tutor Agencies, Tutors and employment agencies over many years. This has given us invaluable feedback and input. We have provided employment law support to many employment agencies and employers and worked with businesses for over 30 years who have been affected by HMRC categorisation changes and investigations.  

This Hub gives you what you need all together in one place. You don’t have to go searching for what you need or access support from a variety of sources or pay for each time you need advice.  As a Tutor Agency operating through these wide scale changes you really can’t afford to be without the hub.    

The Questions and Answers Sessions will usually be scheduled on a Monday.
The Support Forum will be available within 3 working days of your order.  
Documents will be available to download from the 3rd October 2022

You can buy the Tutor Agencies Hub and pay in 4 instalments.


What is in the Tutor Agencies Training Toolkit? 

The Law In Minutes Business and Legal Club Pricing

One time payment

    • Monthly Q&A sessions inc Training
    • Essential legal documents
    • Support and advice for 12 months
    • One to One Consulting Sessions (2)
Buy Now

4 Month Payment Plan

4 payments of


per month

  • Buy the Tutor Agencies Training Hub in 4 payments

    • Pay over 4 months
    • Legal Documents
    • Support and Advice for 12 months
    • Monthly Q&A sessions inc Training
    • 2 one to one consulting sessions (delivered in months 3 and 4)
Buy Now